
Whether training is on-line or off-line, whenever these activities are conducted in the form of paper documents or Excel spreadsheets, they’re highly inefficient and disconnected from other workflows.


A customer with about 400 employees was looking for an efficient and modern solution for the continuous training and verification of employee knowledge. At the same time, there was demand for a clear administrative interface for both administrators and trained employees, with a direct connection to the SAP and benefit management system.

Solution and analysis

From documents provided by the customer, we found out that they conducted training at personal meetings of employees in local teams. The trainers are regional managers. The result is that everyone passed on slightly different content, and attendance was recorded on paper. We proposed the use of the E-learnING module, which ensures the creation of courses, prescription of content, allocation to users, monitoring their activity, and verifying their knowledge through tests. Tests can be created fully automated and randomly generated on the basis of questions and correct answers. The results and other information can be connected to external systems such as SAP, and the customer’s internal benefit management system, via the DataGRID module.


The customer now creates and commissions training as needed. They can train individuals or groups at the same time who may not even be at the same site. Employees have clear information about what they’ve already completed, what awaits them, and by when they must complete the training. Data from the system are synchronized with other systems where the results have an impact on the individual’s rewards. The HR department gets clear data and, in the case of inspections, a system on which they can rely.